Unraveling the Power of ‘uniq’ Command in Linux: Mastering Data Deduplication and More

Title: Unraveling the Power of ‘uniq’ Command in Linux: Mastering Data Deduplication and More

In the realm of Linux commands, ‘uniq’ stands out as a versatile tool for data manipulation and processing. This command’s primary function is to remove consecutive duplicate lines from a given text file, effectively deduplicating the data. However, its capabilities extend far beyond this fundamental task, offering a wide range of options and flags to customize its behavior for specific use cases. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey to explore the power of ‘uniq’ command, uncovering its hidden potential and demonstrating its practical applications with real-world examples.

1. Unveiling the Basics:

The syntax of ‘uniq’ command is straightforward:

uniq [options] [input-file]

By default, ‘uniq’ reads lines from the specified input file or standard input if no file is provided. It then compares adjacent lines and removes any duplicates, displaying the unique lines as output.


uniq names.txt



This command reads the ‘names.txt’ file, which contains a list of names, and prints only the unique names, removing any duplicates.

2. Refining Results with Options:

‘uniq’ offers a plethora of options to refine the output and tailor it to specific requirements. Some commonly used options include:

– ‘-c’: Count the occurrences of each unique line and display the count alongside the line.

uniq -c names.txt


4 Alice
5 Bob
3 Carol
2 Dave
1 Emily

– ‘-d’: Display only duplicate lines, excluding unique lines from the output.

uniq -d names.txt



– ‘-f’: Ignore the specified number of fields at the beginning of each line when comparing for duplicates.

uniq -f 1 names.txt


Alice Bob
Carol Dave

This command ignores the first field (the names) when comparing lines, resulting in the grouping of duplicate last names.

3. Advanced Applications:

Beyond deduplication, ‘uniq’ finds its use in various scenarios, including:

– Finding Unique Words in a Text File:

uniq -c words.txt | sort -rn | head -10

This command counts the occurrences of each word in ‘words.txt’, sorts them in descending order, and displays the top 10 most frequently used words.

– Comparing Files for Differences:

comm -12 file1.txt file2.txt

This command uses ‘uniq’ internally to find lines that are unique to either ‘file1.txt’ or ‘file2.txt’, helping identify differences between the two files.

– Identifying Duplicate Files:

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 uniq -w 32

This command recursively searches for files in the current directory and its subdirectories, calculates their checksums (using ‘md5sum’), and uses ‘uniq’ to find and display files with the same checksum, potentially indicating duplicate files.

The ‘uniq’ command is a powerful tool for data processing and manipulation in Linux. Its ability to deduplicate lines, count occurrences, ignore fields, and find unique or duplicate elements makes it invaluable for various tasks. Whether you’re working with text files, comparing data, or identifying duplicate files, ‘uniq’ proves to be an indispensable utility in the Linux toolkit. With its versatility and customizable options, it empowers users to efficiently manage and analyze data, uncovering patterns, discrepancies, and insights hidden within the raw information.