fread(): Reading Data from a File

**fread(): Reading Data from a File**

The `fread()` function in PHP is used to read data from a file. It is a versatile function that allows you to specify the number of bytes to read, the offset from which to start reading, and the file handle of the file to read from.


fread(resource $handle, int $length [, int $offset = 0]): string


* `$handle`: The file handle of the file to read from. This handle must have been previously opened using the `fopen()` or `file()` function.
* `$length`: The number of bytes to read from the file.
* `$offset` (optional): The offset from which to start reading. This parameter is optional and defaults to 0, which means that reading will start from the beginning of the file.

**Return Value**

The `fread()` function returns a string containing the data that was read from the file. If an error occurs, `fread()` will return `FALSE`.


The following example reads the first 10 bytes from the file “test.txt”:

$handle = fopen(“test.txt”, “r”);
$data = fread($handle, 10);

echo $data;


Hello, worl

**fread() vs. fgets()**

The `fread()` and `fgets()` functions are both used to read data from a file, but they have different purposes. The `fread()` function reads a specified number of bytes from a file, regardless of line breaks. The `fgets()` function reads a single line from a file, up to a maximum of 4096 bytes.

**When to Use fread()**

The `fread()` function is useful when you need to read a specific number of bytes from a file, or when you need to read data from a file without being concerned about line breaks. For example, you might use `fread()` to read the contents of a binary file.

**fread() Tips**

* You can use the `fseek()` function to change the current position of the file pointer. This can be useful for skipping over unwanted data or for reading data from a specific location in the file.
* The `fread()` function can be used to read data from a pipe or other stream, not just from a file.
* The `fread()` function can be used to read data from a URL using the `fopen()` function with the `r` mode.